Effects of Lack of Physical Intimacy in a Relationship


Couples lie on the bed and smiling at each other after an intense physical intimacy

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For a relationship there are certain factors that add to the spice and make it last longer. Physical intimacy for romantic relationships is one important component. It covers an array of connections and interactions, ranging from simple display of affections to holding hands, hugging to sexual related activities. 

It is important to know that for most people physical intimacy is one major means of showing their love, affection, desires and emotional connection to their partners. However, you should always know that physical intimacy is  not only about sexual intercourse, which is one of the biggest misconceptions of physical intimacy.

Here are what physical intimacy may consist of

1. Non sexual touching such as hugging, cuddling and kissing.

2. It may involve a display of holding hands and caressing.

3. Sexual activities.

4. Comfort in each other’s personal space.

5. Simple gestures like massage, dancing and playing together.

The definition and activities involved in physical intimacy is one that depends on the individual, and can vary from people to people. However, what someone identifies and likes as physical intimacy may be different in another relationship. When there is a lack of physical intimacy for a long time in a relationship, there are effects that may follow both on the individuals involved and the relationship.

Emotional and Psychological Effects

The absence of physical intimacy can have significant emotional and psychological impacts on individuals within a relationship:

1. Reduction of Self-esteem: lack of physical intimacy in a relationship can lead to a reduced self esteem. Both partners can significantly experience questioning of self worth, which will affect how they see themselves.

2. Stress and Anxiety: another psychological effect of lack of physical intimacy in a relationship is increased level of stress and anxiety, applicant to both partners. It is known that physical display of affection helps release oxytocin, which has a calming effect, reduces stress and helps one relax.

3. Emotional Disconnection: lack of physical intimacy may slowly damage the emotional bond of both partners. Without Physical intimacy they may feel emotionally separated and with time will cut ties. 

4. Depression: lack of physical intimacy in a relationship for a long duration may lead to either one of the partners feeling lonely and isolated, which with time unattended leads to depression. 

5. Resentment and Anger: considering if any of the partners desires more physical intimacy and display of affection, they may develop feelings of anger or resentment towards their partner.

6. Insecurity and Jealousy: when there’s no physical intimacy in a relationship both partners may feel insecure and may start displaying jealousy or possessiveness.

It is important to know that these shortlisted above are just the psychological effects of lack of physical intimacy in a relationship, however that can also cause long term damages to not only relationships but marriages, which will lead to breakups and divorce.

Impact on Relationship Dynamics

Following are some of the effects of lack of physical intimacy in relationship dynamics. They go beyond emotional statuses and can significantly alter relationship dynamics:

1. Reduced Communication: lack of physical intimacy in a relationship can serve as a non-verbal form of communication. It can make both partners express difficulty in discussing their thoughts or holding deeper meaningful conversations, thereby forfeiting their emotional needs.

2. Increased Conflict: when there’s a build up of anger and frustration when there’s no physical intimacy, it can cause arguments and conflict in the relationship. This unhealthy relationship with time will eventually lead to a break up.

3. Emotional Distance: as earlier seen in this article, lack of physical intimacy in a relationship may also make the both partners emotionally distant, with time if they’re living together things will feel more like roommates than romantic partners.

4. Trust Issues: it may result in trust issues as partners may feel like the other has someone else they’re being physically intimate with. It might lead them to question their infidelity and self worth.

5. Loss of Spark or Romance: when physical intimacy is absent in a relationship, the relationship may experience loss of spark or romance, leading to questioning of true partnership.

Always know that these changes in the dynamics of a relationship without physical intimacy causes more harm than good if left unchecked, leading to further complications and separation. 

Health Implications

Asides psychological and dynamics impact, lack of physical intimacy can also pose a potential health threat. Here are a few health implications of lack of physical intimacy,  to consider: 

1. Increased Blood Pressure: it is known that the use of physical touch, hugging, and other displays of affection contributes to reduced blood pressure. However the lack of such contacts may contribute to higher blood pressure levels.

2. Sleepless or Reduced Sleep Quality: lack of physical intimacy, cuddling precisely can lead to a reduced sleep quality. Physical contact helps the production and release of oxytocin which gives a calming effect and aids better rest.

3. Hormonal Imbalances: Physical intimacy in relationships helps regulate hormones in the body of partners. However if there’s an absence of it, it can lead to hormonal imbalances, which will lead to mood swings and affect overall physical well being.

4. Decreased Sexual Health: lack of physical intimacy (sexual intercourse and other intimate activities) may lead to sexual health issues like  decreased libido, erectile dysfunction in men and vaginal atrophy in women.

5. Increased Stress-Related Physical Symptoms: partners may experience increased stress and manifest symptoms like headaches, muscle pains or digestive issues.

Meanwhile, these effects may not be immediate, they may take time to manifest just like the emotional effects, they can drastically affect one’s health and well-being over time.

Addressing the Lack of Physical Intimacy

Here are helpful tips you can use to combat the lack of physical intimacy in a relationship. It is important for partners to address this issue adequately, if there are any manifestations of lack of physical intimacy:

1. Open Communication: it is ideal that both partners are open and truthful to each other. They could have an open heart to heart conversation on the lack of physical intimacy in their relationship. Express their thoughts, put their emotions into words and communicate their fears, ideas and concerns.

2. Identify Root Causes: if there are any causes fueling the lack of physical intimacy, which may be stress from work or other personal issues, health problems or past traumas. It is important to identify them and think of a strategy to address them properly. 

3. Seek Professional Help: if your relationship is experiencing a lack of physical intimacy you and your partner could schedule a therapy session with a sex therapist, they will surely help you with valuable guidance on intimacy issues and help you improve physical connection with your partner.

5. Schedule Intimate Time: it is important to have a precise scheduled to be intimate with your partner, it can help you prioritize this aspect of the relationship more. 

6. Address Individual Issues: If any cause of this lack of physical intimacy is traced back to be an individual issue, you should address it together with your partner. If it may be feelings of low self-esteem, body image problems, or past traumas whichever, individual therapy could be useful here. 

By understanding the numerous importance of physical intimacy in a relationship and impact, partners can now purposefully and consciously work to improve their lacking relationships, overcome the challenges posed by its absence and build a stronger, healthier and happier relationship.

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